Are you looking for information on how to plant grass seed? What are the best grass types? What are the best lawn mowers to use? We have answered these questions and more in this review article. Therefore, buckle up and read the practical information shared herein. Enjoy!

Most homeowners adore stunning lawn and back yards with classic stripes and lovely green grass. However, before you rush out to a store or a garden centers and order a sack of seeds, consider the following:
What is the Best Time to Plant Grass Seed? | Grass Facts
While planning to plant grass seed, the first thing you should check is your preferred site. The second should be the type of species of grasses that you plan to plant on your lawn. The market is awash with many effective lawn grass seeds for different environments that most of us do not know about. For instance, if your lawn has a lot of trees or shrubs, you need a species of grass that thrives in a shaded area. Most grasses grow well in shaded areas but some cannot tolerate such areas.
Video | When to Plant Grass Seed
Most people want beautiful yards with lush lawns that they can sit in and read a book or soak in the sun. Others have active children who need an area for playing games such as football and jumping about during their free time. While most species of lawn grasses tolerate such harsh treatment, others do not. Evaluate your options and choose the best.
While choosing the best grass for a lawn, you should also keep in mind the time and effort you will have to put into your lawn to maintain it. While most grasses are easy to manage, some require a bit of TLC, a specific type of weather, and a specific type of soil to thrive. Therefore, it is evident that buying on impulse in any garden center that you come across might not be a good idea. This article provides you the critical information on selecting lawn grasses and equipment, to name a few.
Three Types of Lawn
You will find three broad types of lawns in homes almost all using a mixture of a variety of grass seeds. For instance, to create a lawn with a “bowling green” look, consider using a grass seed mix mostly made up of fescues – a “luxury” grass seed. Fescues are thick lawn grasses with fine leaves that stay green for long. They are hard and gentle on the eye, but high maintenance – they take a lot of effort and time to saw. Moreover, you have to maintain them constantly over their lifespan to maintain a green and lush look. Yes, you will have an evergreen lawn that looks immaculate but you will have to put in a lot of hard work.
Fescues are slow-growing grasses and therefore do not need frequent mowing to look good. However, this is where the benefits end. You have to aerate the grass frequently for it to thrive. Moreover, to keep the lawn looking flawless, you must hand-weed it often, which is back-breaking work. You cannot use machines on such a lawn, as the grass is delicate and thus susceptible to tears and wear. Moreover, it does not do well in clay soils and alkaline soils, so keep that in mind while selecting. In short, ensure you can handle the legwork before buying.
Video | How to Fix a Patchy Lawn, with Weeds
A Lawn for Landscapers
The next type of lawn is what people commonly refer to as a landscaper’s lawn. These usually contain a mix of five or six different types of seeds, which thrive in most conditions and soils. The lawn is hardy and thus can withstand prolonged wear and tear well with regular mowing and feeding at least once per year. You also have to aerate and scarify it at least once every three years. It looks good and is very easy to maintain.
Scarifying (Dethatching) | Aeration

At this point, let us assume you do not know the term “dethatching” or “scarifying.” This refers to removing “thatch” which forms when the roots and stems of dried grass and build-up of other debris in lawns, stopping moisture from penetrating and nourishing plants.
Machines for “dethatching” lawns are readily available in most online and brick and mortar stores. Aeration, loosely translated, refers to the process of facilitating water and air to penetrate the soil. You can do this manually by prodding the lawn with a garden fork, but this is often challenging. You can also use a dethatcher. Scarifying is a British term.

A dethatcher uses vertical blades to cut into the ground and grass. The process loosens and removes thatch, allowing water and nutrients to leech into the ground. Similar to pruning, it cuts the roots of grass from the edges, encouraging it to grow more roots, a thick stem, and leaves.
De-mossing and ranking are equally tiresome. Whenever you have new moss growth on your lawn, you should take it to prevent it from taking over your lawn in the future. You can rake them using a spring-tine wire rake, which is hard, or use a machine to automate or ease the process.
The GreenWorks 25022 article covers thatching in-depth.
Hard-Wearing Lawn

The third lawn is suitable for people with kids or individuals who host frequent barbecue parties at home. Usually, they consist of a mixture of ryegrasses. Unfortunately, rye grasses do not do well in very wet or salty areas. Therefore, if you live in a coastal area by the ocean or sea, this might not be the correct lawn type for you. For the best experience in such areas, opt for a lawn containing a mixture of rhizomatous tall fescue grasses. You mow it once a year but have to maintain it often.
If you live in a shaded or very dry area, look for seeds that can tolerate such harsh conditions. However, make sure that the lawn can get at least a few of sunshine every day otherwise a lawn might not be for you. Tall fescues thrive in dry conditions, as they have significantly longer roots than comparable grasses and therefore can survive on stony, poor, and sandy soils. Unfortunately, they are not hard-wearing.
Soil pH Level
Most lawn grasses do not thrive in acidic soils. Therefore, if you have such soil, you might have to add lime to it to adjust its pH level. The pH is indicative of the alkalinity or acidity of the soil, with 7.0 considered neutral. Below 7 is acidic, while a PH level above 7 is alkaline. The ideal pH for most lawn grasses is between 6.0 and 7.0. Therefore, if your soil is more acidic add lime to increase its alkalinity and thus its suitability.
Luster Leaf 1601 | Rapitest Soil Test Kit

You can order soil test kits at your local garden center and use them to check the pH of your soil on demand. Overly acidic soils lack the optimal balance of nutrients and therefore might not be suitable for growing some species of grasses. Some species of grasses might even fail to grow if the soil is highly acidic. To lower pH before sowing your seeds, consider adding lime to the garden and stirring it thoroughly.
There are several types of lime, some rich in magnesium and others calcium. Either of these types could clear deficiencies from soils and promote the growth of different lawn grasses. Use a soil testing kit to know the nutrients lacking in your soil, which need supplementation.
While lime is beneficial, do not overuse it in the soil to maintain your PH within the 7.0 range. Your garden center staff could tell you how much you will need to add to achieve an optimal soil pH at home.
Soil Preparation
This first step of lawn care is critical if you want to maintain a clean and thriving lawn for many years. If you are replacing an old and patchy lawn, the best thing that you should do is kill off grass with glyphosate spray. The spray can kill other troublesome plants such as weeds too.
Next, remove the existing turf to make digging or aerating the area that you are revamping easy. If you have extra space, pile it in a corner, and let it rot, after which you can use it as compost on your lawn or garden.
Earthquake MC43 | Small Gardens

Next, rotovate or dig the soil at a depth of up to 8 inches (or 20 cm), removing stones and debris as you go. You should also break large chunks/clamps of soil using a garden fork or a rotavator (also referred to as a tiller or cultivator). While this might be confusing to some people, rotavators are heavy-duty machines that cover large areas.
Learn more about cultivators on Wikipedia: A cultivator is any farm implement used for secondary tillage. One sense of the name refers to frames with teeth (also called shanks) that pierce the soil as they drag through it linearly. Another sense refers to machines that use rotary motion of disks or teeth to accomplish a similar result. The rotary tiller is a principal example…
Heavy clay soils drain poorly. Therefore, if your lawn has such soil, you will have to mix it with loam soil to improve its drainage.
Loam is soil contains mostly of sand particles measuring > 63 µm, silt particles measuring > 2 µm, and clay particles measuring < 2 µm in size. The ratio of the particle is 40%-40%-20%, respectively. (Read more).
Cultivate loam soil deep into your soil. Next, add a second layer and then cultivate it again, but not as deeply this time. Finally, add a final third layer to create a soft and even finish in preparation for seeding.
However, while preparing your lawn, you will face another problem. Whenever you are cultivating or digging your lawn, you bring weeds to the top. To stop and infestation, spray the area with glyphosate a second time to kill them off and let it work on your lawn for a week.

After preparing the top soil, you can add fertilizer and blend it well with the top soil. Next, you should tread the surface of the soil (walking on it) “heel” it (push down) with your feet. Although tedious, the process will help to push out air pockets that might destabilize the soil later.
Ideally, you should walk on your lawn two times, the second time positioning your legs at a right angle to the first set. Once done, rake the soil to level the surface, and hooray, you are done. You can now sow the grass seeds. You will have a perfect lawn of you care for it well.
Types of Grass Seed
Here is a quick review of the most common lawn grasses available.
Bermuda Grass is perfect for lawns, golf courses, and for sprucing up the pasture of your cattle. Its hardy nature has a deep root system that is resistant to drought. It can also withstand high salt levels and is resistant to diseases and insects that decimate lawns.
Zoysia is a hardy grass that grows and establishes quickly on most lawn types. The hard-wearing grass also does well in Northeast USA, where other species struggle. It grows quickly and forms a dense lawn that kills weeds naturally. Unfortunately, due to its fast growth, it can invade borders and flowerbeds and turns brown or tan during the winter months.
St. Augustine is a native grass of the Gulf Coast of the USA, including Florida, where it one of the commonest lawn grasses. For the lawn to thrive, you need to provide plenty of water and limit movement on it. Even though thick, it is susceptible to diseases and pests and, Zoysia turns brown in winter. By spring, it would have recovered. St. Augustine is tolerant of the shade. These seeds are almost impossible to produce and harvest, which is why it is not common in stores. Learn more.
St. Augustine is a unique grass, but rarely produces viable seeds like other lawn grasses. Grow its vegetative plugs and sods instead.
Centipede Grass is a low maintenance, hard-wearing grass that works well for people with kids. It looks good and can take a heavy beating without losing its charm or drying out. Moreover, you do not have to water, mow, or feed it frequently to retain its luster, even if you have sandy or clay soil on your lawn. The grass forms a dense mat on lawns that can choke out weeds, thus controlling them naturally. However, to enjoy the plethora of benefits offered, you will have to pay a fortune.
Bahia grass emanated from Brazil in the early 20th century. This all-around lawn grass is perfect for homes for its ability to grow and thrive in dry areas. Moreover, Bahia grass requires low maintenance to grow and is therefore an ideal option for people who do not have to pamper lawns.
Carpet grass is a thick and coarse leaved grass for making turf. It can withstand cold weather well but is susceptible to droughts. Moreover, it does well in damp soil and can withstand a fair amount of traffic issue-free. Unfortunately, carpet grass does not like salt and therefore will not do well in coastal areas. It is also sensitive to shades. If you have such conditions at home, do not plant this grass. Learn more.
Kentucky bluegrass has a good reputation in North America because of its fine texture. It also has long and hardy roots, meaning that it can tolerate dry conditions, including droughts. Moreover, its maintenance is relatively easy. While it grows quickly, all you do is mow it often to keep your lawn at a decent height. Kentucky bluegrass cannot withstand heavy traffic and is therefore not suitable for homes with children.
Monkey grass is not suitable for lawns but works well as an ornamental grass. It also thrives in containers and has a beautiful look (blue/violet flower spikes, also referred to as Lily Turf. Learn more.
Different brands offer different mixes of grass seeds. Therefore, before you order one, it is a good practice to compare your available options via Google searches and other avenues. Check its susceptibility or preference for shade, wet, drought, salty air, and soil type, and buy a product that will serve you well. Also, check its wear and maintenance.
While personal research can help you to make good decisions, you can also talk to the staff of a local gardening center and seek advice. Most of them are knowledgeable on the type of lawn that thrives in your area and might even have stock seed that you will need to set up a lawn. If not, they can direct you to a supplier of the seed(s) that interests you.
From this data, we now have a good idea of the different types of lawns for homes and the different seed types for achieving them. Before choosing or using one, answer these questions: when is the best time to sow seeds? How do you sow it? What does hydroseeding entail?
When Should you Plant Grass Seed?
When is the right time to plan lawn grass seeds? From our research, the best time to seed your lawn is in fall or spring – definitely not in summer because the soil is dry and therefore unable to support the germination of seeds. Depending on where you live, the soil should have warmed up in spring and be Lukewarm in spring. Given these choices, you should always plant a lawn in the fall. This gives your seeds enough time to grow and establish before the temperature plummets.
Another problem of sowing in the summer is that turning the soil at this point activates the seeds of weeds, which has multiple issues. The seeds germinate rapidly, killing your lawn in the end.
The point that we are trying to reiterate here is that weeds grow fastest when the conditions are favorable. Therefore, as a gardener, you should grow grasses that thrive when the weather is unfavorable to weeds.
Take rhododendrons, for instance, cannot grow in chalk or alkaline soils. Instead, they thrive in acidic conditions. If you follow directions well, your plants will grow rapidly compared to when you grow in alkaline soils. Your rhododendron plants, like other species, will die in alkaline soil. Keep these factors in mind to get value for your money.
Always look out for weeds whenever you are preparing a lawn. Overall, whichever species of weed thrives in your locality, will grow even faster once you have prepared the land for your lawn. To limit their activity, always plant your seeds when the weather is less favorable to weeds. This enables your plants to grow and establish before the weather becomes suitable for the growth of weeds.
How to Sow Grass Seed
How should you sow your lawn’s seeds? This depends on multiple factors, including the size of your lawn. If you have a small area, you can sow it by hand using approximately 16 seeds per square inch. Do not count them to be sure as you will waste time, but do not overcrowd the seeds as well as they will compete for water and nutrients and die.
If you have a large area, use a fertilizer spreader to cover a large area quickly. They also spread seeds evenly in four directions, enabling you to cover a large area. However, the product is very heavy and time-consuming but only requires a single application. For the best results, do not start seeding from the edges of your lawn, as you are more likely to spread seeds on driveways and pathways, leading to wastage. You can also spread them on flowerbeds where grass will compete for nutrients and kill your flowers. Leave at least 30cm from the edges.
Seed Spreaders
Which are the best seed spreaders in the market? The Scotts Turf Builder (EdgeGuard) Mini is one of the simplest yet most effective seed spreaders in the market. You can use this simple hopper on wheels to spread grass seeds evenly over a large area. The major advantage of using such a product is that it blocks seeds from discharging from the right side. As such, you can prevent the device from spreading seeds on flowerbeds and pathways, which is beneficial. It will prevent grass from growing amid your shrubs or flowers or blocking a driveway or paths. The Scotts Turf Builder is a cost-effective seed spreader.
The Agri-Fab 45-0462 is another reputable brand with smooth-rolling bearing-mounted wheels and a poly hopper made from a corrosion-resistant metal. Therefore, you can use it outdoors without worrying about it falling apart in a few weeks or months. The hopper is large – at full capacity, it can hold 130 pounds of grass seed and spread it over 25,000 square feet. However, it is expensive than the Scotts Turf Builder.
Whenever you are sowing seeds on your lawn, you should add a starter fertilizer to your lawn if you did not add it at the preparation stage, to fast track seed germination. After three weeks, ass a second later of the fertilizer as water would have washed down the starter layer to the roots. This boosts the growth of grass further.
Once you have broadcasted the seeds to cover a large area of your lawn, water it with a fine mist, preferably two times every day for the first few weeks. You can increase the frequency if the rains fail until the seeds start to germinate. Then, reduce the watering frequency to around once every week to boost hardiness. In month two, cut the watering frequency even further to twice a week and once per week in the third month assuming that it does not rain. New lawns are sensitive and therefore prone to drying out during the first six months of life.
What does hydroseeding entail? This is the process where you mix water, fertilizer, and grass seeds to create fine mulch and apply it to your lawn with a special machine. Thus, it is the fastest method for growing a lawn as you handle all steps in one move. While beneficial to people with large lawns, it might be too costly for those with small lawns.
When Can You Use Your Lawn?
When can you mow your new lawn without damage? When can people start walking or playing on it? The answers to these two questions depend on the type of grass you have planted on your lawn. Rye, for instance, is a fast-growing grass that establishes faster than others do. If the conditions are right, you will have a lush looking lawn in less than two months. Other types take 3+ months before they are safe to use.
When should you start mowing? When the grass is around 5 cm tall, you can safely cut it for the first time. Use the lawnmower at the highest (or fastest) setting to prevent it from cutting more than 2 cm of grass. Moreover, avoid mowing when the weather is wet to shield your grass from damage. Overall, be gentle with your lawn – treat it like a baby. Make wide three-point turns while using a lawnmower.
After you have mowed a lawn at high speed on four occasions, you can lower the blades gradually and use lower speeds in the fifth and sixth mowing sessions until you reach a height of 2 centimeters. Do not go lower than two centimeters during the first six months of a lawn’s life.
How do you handle weeds? Whenever you are sowing a new lawn, expect some weeds to sprout, but are often easy to control by hand. Go on your knees and pull them by hand while firming the surrounding ground with your feet. In some instances, a weed killer will come in handy. Look for a safe and effective brand that will work well on your lawn. If in doubt, Google or consult your local gardening center.
Types of Lawn Mowers
What kind of lawnmower should you use to mow your lawn? You have four broad choices – gas, battery, electric, and push reel lawnmower.
Let us start with the push mower. This product is by far the cheapest in this category – non-doubt about that. For less than 100 bucks, you can get a good modest brand that will make lawn care a breeze. Even the most effective push mower from Fiskars cost significantly less money than the cheapest power mowers available in the market.
One of the major cons of push mowers is their manual systems. You are the only source of power for the push mower. This can be advantageous, though as you have an opportunity to exercise your joints or muscles – something most Americans lack. However, the effort you will have to put in to use one is dependent on the lawn’s size. Everyday Joes and Janes can use it well on small lawns. However, if you have a large lawn, it might take you hours to get your preferred look.
Push mowers with longer blades are generally bigger and therefore require more effort to push or maneuver. Moreover, because they do not have collection bags, they discharge clipping from the side, rear, or the front as you push the mower. If you have a model that discharges from the rear, wear protective shoes or gumboots to prevent injury.
Of course, push reel mowers are non-pollutant and therefore eco-friendly than most brands of power mowers. They are also quiet and thus suitable to use in communal settings at any time of the day. Whether you like to mow lawns in the evenings or early in the morning, you will be on good terms with your neighbors, as this product is super-efficient. You can also mow your lawn in the middle of the day if you live in a state/area that does not get too hot to work. Florida is very hot.
Push mowers have a simple mechanism without a pull cord or an engine that you have to service. Moreover, they do not use gas nor need an electrical connection to work but cut grass swiftly via a swift scissor-like motion. If the condition is right, a new one will snip your grass without tearing, lowering the risk of pest and insect infestations.
Push reel mowers are generally safer to use compared to power mowers. From published data, around 75,000 US residents have serious accidents with lawnmowers yearly, 75 of which result in deaths. Thus, always take care because mowing the lawn can be a dangerous affair.
Electric Mowers
Let us have a look at electric mowers next. These are of two types – battery and electricity-powered. If you order an electricity-powered model, you might have a short-range, as you will need a power cord for it to work. Therefore, this might be a major limitation for you if you have a large lawn. Having and maneuvering a cable is frustrating as you can run over it and cut In addition, you have the problem of the cable: it is quite possible to run over the cable and cut it, which does happen and is, of course, extremely dangerous and possibly fatal. You need to operate a mains powered mower with extreme caution.
Battery operated lawn mowers are safer than electric models are, but have a significantly shorter run time. The commonest models have a total run time of around one hour at full capacity, which can be a major limitation if you have a large yard and do not want to recharge the battery often. Moreover, like some of the best electric models, the best battery-powered lawn mowers are not efficient at cutting thick species of grasses such as fescues. A common remedy for this is to position the cutting height of the blade higher and more your lawn twice in succession. This takes effort and time from people but is worth it.
However, even with these cons, battery-powered lawn mowers are highly beneficial items to homeowners. You do not need gas for it to work. Moreover, you do not have to change sparkplugs, filters, or oils. Finally, they are much quieter and generally better than gas mowers.
Gas-Powered Mowers
Gas-powered mowers are heavier and more powerful machines for heavy-duty cutting of both soft and thick grasses. They can also handle most lawn sizes and lack the limitation of batteries and power cables.
Unfortunately, gas-powered lawnmowers are noisy and pollutant than electric and push lawn mowers are. You also have to maintain them frequently to keep them in good working condition and have to deal with a pull cord to get one to start while planning a mowing job.
If you have a very large lawn, you might have better results with a ride on mower, which is also enjoyable to use. Unfortunately, due to their size, you might have a hard time penetrating and grooming small areas or the areas around shrubs or installations such as fountains. Buy a push reel mower to penetrate and mow such areas as well quickly.
Lawn Mower Reviews
Finally, let us check out some of the best lawn mowers for you in 2023.
Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel Mower

Let us check out the Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel Mower first. According to the manufacturer, this push mower is 60% easier to push/ use than other comparable brands, making it suitable for mowing small lawns. It does not pollute the environment and works virtually maintenance-free for months. To keep it working optimally, all you have to do is sharpen its blades once per year to cut most grasses on lawns swiftly all year.
The InertiaDrive reel of this push mower delivers twice the cutting power of similar reel mowers available in the market. Therefore, it can deal with most grasses, even twigs, on both small and expansive lawns. Whether you have soft or tough species such as Augustine, Bermuda, or Zoysia, you can set it to cut cleanly at heights of 1-inch to 4-inches.
The inset wheels of this device enable you to trim grass up to the edge of your lawn while throwing the grass clippings away from your feet.
Finally, you do not need electricity or gas to clip or groom your lawn. The system is efficient, quiet, and does not require spark plugs, oil filters, and other mechanical or electrical accessories. To work, all you have to do is wake up, position it on your lawn, and push it to cut. You do not worry about pull cords jamming or the device failing to start.
You will spend slightly more money on this push reel mower compared to a similar brand, but it is worth it. You get a three-year warranty on defects.
Greenworks 25022 | 20-inches / 12 Amp | Electric Lawn Mower

Even though versatile, you will have to purchase a third party outdoor-rated extension cord to use this device. While each new model comes with a power cable, it is short (about a foot) and virtually useless on large lawns. If you have a 40 foot (or less) long yard, you will require a 16-gauge extension cord. If the yard is larger, look for a 14 gauge cord.
At 56 pounds, the mower weighs slightly more than a sack of potatoes, making it quite heavy. Most of its weight comes from a metal cutting deck, measuring around 20-inches thick. However, because it has smooth-rolling wheels, it is easy to maneuver. It also has a single side-mounted lever (single) on the right side for adjusting its cutting deck to seven heights between 1.5-inches and 3.75 inches. The powerful engine (12 amperes) can cut thick grasses such as fescues. You can discharge clippings on the side for mulching or use a collection bag for easy disposal.
This electricity-powered lawn mower does not pollute the environment with noxious gases, unlike gas-powered lawnmowers. Furthermore, it does not use gas not needs replacement filters, oil, and routine servicing to work optimally. Gas mowers use about 800 million gallons a year – costing their users a lot of money and polluting the environment.
One major complaint from most of its users is that its factory-engineered blade is not very sharp (hey, it is Chinese-made, as most items are nowadays). Sharpen the device’s blade as soon as you unbox it.
However, most of the 450 reviews and ratings shared on websites such as Amazon are favorable, and it is cost-effective. If you buy from such reputable sites, you qualify for multiple deep discounts, which is ideal.
GreenWorks 25302 Twin Force G-MAX | 20-inches | 40V Battery

You are getting a battery-powered lawn mower that eliminates the need for cords and gas as you mow your lawn. Therefore, the inherent risk of cutting power cords and electrocuting yourself is relatively low, making this product 100% safe. Furthermore, it is non-pollutant and does not use replacement filters and oil nor needs an annual service to keep it working optimally all year long. All you have to do is clean it and recharge its battery after use to keep its system working optimally.
This mower has two motors, each driving a 10-inch. Therefore, you can trim up to a 20-inch path per pass, producing fine clippings that break down and fertilize the soil. You also get two Lithium-ion batteries – one 146Wh and the other 73Wh. The smaller battery charges in one hour and the larger one for two hours. To boost run time, the device uses the batteries one at a time. When one runs out, it switches to the other one automatically to prevent disruption of the mowing routine. However, you do not have to install both batteries in your mower to work.
To manage clippings, you can choose between rear discharge and mulching. This product does not support side discharging clippings.
You can also adjust the height of the blade from 1 3/8-inches to 3 3/8-inches using the single lever on the side of this lawnmower.
The mower has an innovative power-saving system that lowers power use by keeping the blades spinning at a constant speed. Whenever they encounter hard grass, the blades speed up to deliver more power. The main idea is to boost its run time while the lawnmower is in power-saving mode. Unfortunately, in power saving mode, the lawnmower struggles to cut dense grass – keep this in mind. This is a common issue for other cordless motors as well. To overcome the challenge, you should cut the thick lawns a few times to your desired level.
Overall, as most battery-powered lawn mowers available online, the GreenWorks 25302 Twin Force G-MAX 40V has many favorable reviews.
Husqvarna 5521P | 21-inches | 140cc | Gas Lawn Mower

Husqvarna 5521P is a simple gas-powered lawnmower that can mow almost all grass types, irrespective of its thickness or density. It has a robust (140cc) Briggs & Stratton engine, which ranks among the most powerful and dependable brands in this niche. Moreover, the engine uses little gas and has a responsive pull starter that fires up every time.
The factory-assembled lawnmower comes ready to use off the shelf. All you do is attach its handle to work, which takes only five minutes.
The 21-inch cutting deck of this mower is significantly larger than the models found in comparable mowers. Therefore, while mowing a large lawn, you only need a few passes to get the job done, saving you a lot of time. You can also adjust its cutting height via a single lever to five positions to customize the outlook of your lawn. Finally, while mowing, you can discharge clippings to the side, mulch lawns, or use a collection bag.
Winterize the motor of this gas-powered lawnmower to protect it from damage. Once done, you can store it for months in a dry and cool place issue free in readiness for spring. Moreover, you can use it to cut dry or wet grass safely. You do not worry about cutting cords or electrocution.
The Husqvarna 5521P is a reliable 21-Inch lawnmower with a 140cc gas engine that works seamlessly in most environments.
To get more power, you should check out the Husqvarna 7021P lawn mower instead. It is similar to the 5521P but has a 160cc engine.

Creating a Lawn Is Not Easy
Planting a new lawn from scratch or replacing a tire, old, or worn-out one is a difficult task that needs effort and dedication. However, if you can do the legwork and handle the preparatory steps as directed, you will have a rich and well-manicured lawn for many years. You will have a lush and beautiful lawn that your children and grandchildren will love.
Starting the process requires a bit of effort. However, once the ball is rolling, you will have an easier time and get worthwhile results.
You probably visited this article with the hope of learning when to plant grass seeds and how to manicure lawns. We hope that you have learned these and more from the information shared in this article.